
Microsoft monthview control
Microsoft monthview control

microsoft monthview control

For more information, see How to: Display Specific Days in Bold with the Windows Forms MonthCalendar Control. You can also set certain dates to be displayed in bold on a one-time basis, annually, or monthly, by adding DateTime objects to the BoldedDates, AnnuallyBoldedDates, and MonthlyBoldedDates properties. By default, Sunday is shown as the first day of the week, but any day can be designated using the FirstDayOfWeek property. By setting the CalendarDimensions property, you can have multiple months displayed horizontally and vertically. You can also add week numbers to the calendar by setting the ShowWeekNumbers property to true. You can change this feature by setting the ShowToday and ShowToda圜ircle properties to false. By default, today's date is displayed as circled, and is also noted at the bottom of the grid. The MonthCalendar control's appearance is highly configurable.

microsoft monthview control

For more information about the DateTimePicker control, see DateTimePicker Control. Unlike the similar DateTimePicker control, you can select more than one date with this control. You can select a different month by clicking the arrow buttons on either side of the month caption. The control displays a calendar: a grid containing the numbered days of the month, arranged in columns underneath the days of the week, with the selected range of dates highlighted. The Windows Forms MonthCalendar control presents an intuitive graphical interface for users to view and set date information.

Microsoft monthview control